1. Create a new account
2. Tap continue
3. Tap "First Name" box and enter your First Name (Hint: Tap return on the keyboard to minimize it)
4. Tap "Last Name" box and enter your Last Name (Hint: Tap return on the keyboard to minimize it)
5. Tap "Gender".
6. Tap "Birthday". Use the wheel by scrolling up and down to select your month, date and year
7. Tap "Feet". Use the wheel by scrolling up and down to select your height in feet
8. Tap "Inches". Use the wheel by scrolling up and down to select your height in in
For example if you are 5'10" (5ft 10in), you would select 5 in the "Feet" box and 10 in the "Inches" box
9. Tap "Continue"